Understanding Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs)

3 min readFeb 22, 2024

Our previous article explored parsing and introduced the concept of Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs). Now, we’re diving deeper into ASTs, providing a comprehensive guide for beginners.

Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs) are fundamental data structures used in computer science and programming language theory to represent the structure of source code. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore ASTs in detail, covering their structure, construction, manipulation, and practical applications, all explained in a simple and accessible manner.

Understanding ASTs:

ASTs are hierarchical tree-like structures that capture the syntactic structure of source code. Each node in the tree represents a construct in the code, such as statements, expressions, and declarations. For example, consider the following JS code snippet:

I initially aimed to explain using Python, but lacking a suitable visualization tool for Python ASTs, I opted to use JavaScript instead.🥲

// Example JavaScript code
function greet(name) {
return "Hello, " + name + "!";


When parsed, this code generates the following AST:

Generated using: https://www.jointjs.com/demos/abstract-syntax-tree

Constructing ASTs:

ASTs are typically constructed during the parsing phase of compilation. Parsing algorithms, such as recursive descent parsing or bottom-up parsing, analyze the source code and generate the corresponding AST. Let’s take a closer look at how the AST for the JavaScript code snippet is constructed:

  1. The parser identifies the function declaration and creates a node labeled “FunctionDeclaration.”
  2. Within the function declaration node, an identifier node labeled “greet” is created to represent the function name.
  3. The parser then identifies the function parameter “name” and creates a parameter node.
  4. Next, the parser encounters the return statement and creates a node labeled “ReturnStatement.”
  5. Within the return statement node, a binary expression node labeled “+” is created to represent the concatenation operation.
  6. Finally, three literal nodes labeled “Hello,”, “name”, and “”!”” are created to represent the operands of the concatenation operation.

Manipulating ASTs:

Once constructed, ASTs can be manipulated programmatically to perform various tasks, such as code transformation, optimization, and analysis. For example, let’s consider a simple AST manipulation task: modifying the JavaScript code snippet to use template literals instead of concatenation:

// Original code
function greet(name) {
return "Hello, " + name + "!";

// Modified code using template literals
function greet(name) {
return `Hello, ${name}!`;

To achieve this, we can traverse the AST and replace the binary expression node representing concatenation with a template literal node.

Practical Applications of ASTs:

ASTs find applications in a wide range of areas, including compilers, interpreters, static analysis tools, and integrated development environments (IDEs). For example, compilers and interpreters use ASTs to generate machine code or execute programs, while static analysis tools leverage ASTs for tasks such as code linting, refactoring, and optimization.

Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs) are powerful data structures that play a crucial role in understanding and manipulating source code. By understanding the structure, construction, manipulation, and practical applications of ASTs, developers can enhance their programming skills and build more efficient and reliable software systems.

